Fire!!!! A phrase said when aiming at a target. A popular thing said during war times.
Fire also something that burns; hot, silent and deadly... can a person be fire or have fire?? An old phrase of having a belly or pit of fire!! Something that burns inside.. something that ignites future success!!
Fired... the let go; the come again but... not come again! The be gone, or forgotten! Harsh association with this one. No one enjoys the dismissal of a tie/bond formed through the allocation of emotions, time, influence and finance that tied you together.
One day everything is great, times are good we talking everyday about how much we miss and like each other... and then we cuddling on yo couch and then it's just like you get mad at me and always wanna be done with me. You never let me get a say in anything or my opinion cause you ALWAYS hit me wit a I'm not in the mood, I'm irritated or don't feel like going back and forth. It's like how did you love me or like me and we can never work through anything because you don't feel like it.
Talk about being fired, sheesh the stress that arises from relationships are just as bad as the stresses dealt with at work.
At least leaving work at work to come home to deal with “work” (her) can have its benefits!
The way she massages my back after a long day allows the tension to be removed and the way she gazes in my eyes create a burning sensation inside. A fire from within that arouses my mind and causes me to have an intimacy for this woman like no other.
As things heat up we make our way to the bedroom, where clothes get ripped and torn off. An ignition between us has been created and as we get ready to make love.....BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, the fire detector goes off!
Oh shit she says. I was making dinner babe.
We jump up and run in the kitchen to a fire as illuminated as a Despicable Me movie.