How difficult is it to find a spouse? Do I really want to get married? Am I dating the right person? Am I searching for the right person? There is a multitude of questions we pose to others, and ourselves, but what are the answers? We recently had the opportunity to decode the blueprint to dating success. Luckily for you all here, The Plutocrats Club shares the master key (Thank us later).
Date according to the story you want to tell your children
This may seem cheesy or corny but there’s a reason for this important component. If you hold yourself to this standard you’ll make smart decisions. Who wants to tell their son or daughter “I was at a bar one night, got extremely drunk, and had sex with a woman in the bathroom….from there I knew we were meant to be”? Dating according to the story you want to be told is like writing your legacy as you’d want future generations to hear it. This isn’t being phony or fake, but more so being aware of what type of signals you’re sending and what type of things you’re accepting.
Know your Worth
I know most of us aren’t fans of slumming it in the dating world (We’re Plutocrats so that’s obvious), but we do sometimes forget our worth. There comes a point where we need to take a step back and realize we are beautiful creations with endless things to offer. You don’t have to settle for what you feel is karma or what you feel is most convenient. I once had a friend describe marriage as a settlement because both parties never get what they really want. My good sir, I beg to differ. There’s a difference in finding your equal and accepting they aren’t perfect and just settling because you don’t know if you’ll end up getting what you want.
Watch out for Hitchhikers
Be cognizant of people who want to come along for the ride. Don’t date someone who needs you in order to get to the point in life where they are self-secure. These are the people who are dependent on their relationship. Find someone who compliments you, but doesn’t use you as their kickstarter towards becoming someone in life.
Don’t let loneliness drive you
We’ve all been there before. This is when people you normally wouldn’t look at the start to become more attractive. You yearn for a relationship to the point you start searching for things you don’t want. You must be comfortable being alone before you can be with someone. Let me say again, YOU MUST BECOME COMFORTABLE BEING ALONE BEFORE YOU CAN BE WITH SOMEONE.
Don’t let sex take over
I call this the Clouded judgment and impending bad decisions effect. When you bring sex into the picture and allow it to cloud your judgment, you end up rushing into things. Sex in reality was made for a husband and wife. When sex is introduced before marriage it can cause a whirlwind of conflict, deceit, and emotional scarring.
Find someone moving in the same direction
Last but not least is finding someone who is going in the same direction as you. If you are career-driven and looking for someone who is career-driven then find someone who fits that category. If you’re spiritually trying to improve your life then find someone who is also doing the same thing.
In the end, it boils down to creating a genuine story that holds you in a positive light. If you can’t tell your dating story to your children or a random person on the street, without feeling embarrassed, then it may be time to rethink your strategy. You can’t be afraid to alter the course of your future; make sacrifices today for happiness tomorrow.