Every day you hear people telling you what you need to do, what books you need to read, and what school you need to go to in order to get rich. I'm not here to tell you that (I'm not even rich... yet). What I am telling you is how to get a job, and how to keep it.
How good you are and who you get to notice will determine how rich you are going to be. Here is the skinny on creating value, which always leads to making money. Go ahead and bookmark this one, you're going to want to keep this handy.
Find Lazy/Busy People
Time is money. If you want money, then you need to save someone some time.
Ignorance is bliss. Find people who don't know something, and aren't trying to learn it anytime soon. Work for these people.
Pains are gains. Be the sweaty movers of your industries. Sure anyone can do it, but people with money will almost always pay others to do serious grunt work.
Find a Hack
Instead of lifting a million boxes, invent the million-box-lifter... or an app. Why not both?
Delegate. Help makes business life much easier and longer. Get your team in order; assembly is key.
Develop/Teach the Skill
Become an expert in whatever it is that you do. Sooner or later, the fact that most people don't want to do it won't be enough. There's a word that your parents use all the time, called experience, and it's finally on your side. Silence the old dogs trying to learn new tricks, and the young whipper-snappers trying to encroach on your territory with infinite knowledge. Of course, you'll be able to help them get where you are... for a nominal fee.
Nowhere did you see me say "work harder." That is not how you create value. You do it by seeing the big picture, finding the people with a problem, creating a better way to solve it, and learning everything you possibly can about it. Now that'll be $100.