I'm starting to come down from my creative high, and I didn't even get a chance to wave goodbye. Earlier this morning I checked for a sparkle in my eye, after texting my creative juices and getting no reply. Luckily it's still there, but let me pause a moment to ask who cares? Who wonders? Who thinks about what I ponder when I decide to unroll some thunder in my voice? It's a choice.
I have to keep reminding myself that as I decline to stare at an anonymous bosom. Disciplined eye contact has become something of a custom, and I've been accustomed to going into star mode without mushrooms. Even in Super Mario World, I've been extremely hesitant to ask someone to let me love them. I prefer to do it anyway, even if it bugs them. I've also started writing to instrumentals and its been somewhat of a tale of two cities, one has a town hall and a sub-committee. The other is well into the future enjoying a cool breeze. If I could estimate, it would be around 70 degrees. Well before I learned about the birds and the bees, I was unceremoniously informed about STDs. Sheesh.
The breadcrumbs that lead me to towards my soul train of thought, often undermine the initial plot. Am I here to share what I feel or what I've got? It's like someone moved my buried treasure from its original spot, and now it's up to me to find it again and I'm fighting the clock. I'm actually fighting a lot. I'm sure if I was still in school I would get kicked out of it before I get a kick out of it, mostly because I'm a lot more judgemental and it's hard to stop it. I browse the long list of adults that constantly let me down and inconveniently forget that its been at least five years since my last cap and gown.
For some reason, I keep thinking I'm a smart-mouthed high schooler that graduated early, but I guess all that will end when I finally turn 30. There are so many things that I've started and finished early. That’s vernacular for quitting when things get too hard, and I just remembered that there are several easy things that will eventually become just as difficult.