I can do what you do... easy, but low difficulty never inspired a "jinkies." In the land of Wonder Women, I’m still saying King me, since no one else is making chess moves in checker print but me. Well, Omarion maybe...
Before all my backup dancers Lil Fizz out, just know I ain’t got no baby momma’s so I’mma head out.. in my best Spongebob impression soaking up all this knowledge. I’m sorta like Kanye if he decided to stay in college... found Jesus early and kept paying homage.
That’s a bold statement, but I know a few who prefer italics, like talking sideways would throw me off balance.
I think not.
I think new.
Balance that is... that’s the official shoe of billionaires and I’m running up a check finding where the talent is.
“There’s something in my pocket for you”
By now you can tell I’m not with all the rigamaroo, because I’m too busy on my Scooby-Doo... pulling costumes off monsters in my search for food... looking like black gold without talking crude... getting real familiar with the worst attitudes... meeting dope people and entertaining a... phew! Nephew. I see the sweat on sweaters in sweatpants, but don't let me go on and on like a Biden and Trump speech on repeat, because I don't go both ways I go straight. to. the. heat.
No cap. My patna dem have me feeling like rich kids rocking their first AP on papa's credit, and my teachers got me feeling like using my first AP test credits. Yeah, I said it. Who else is blessed and highly favored with a sauce that’s highly flavored (that drips even when you touch a neighbor)? Let us all say... Amen. Church. Tabernacle.
For those who got the juice when life gave us Adam’s apples, here's a message in a bottle...
"you better get your big... I'm selling Snapples head-ah...."
If you can't see how the youth view you, then you're probably not ready. Too worried about Red Herrings, that's why the show's not named after Freddy. Let's not split up gang, especially when things get hairy. All of my references come full circle so there's no need to be scary.
Get it?
Scary... heebie-jeebies... male Lauryn Hill. When a helpmate sees the check, mate... they chill with King of the Hill.