What do you really think about men? Do you secretly want to be one? Would you be more or less powerful if you were?
How much better does it feel when you outperform a man as opposed to a woman? Which is worse to lose to? What if winning was expected, and losing meant you were weaker than the rest of your gender? Do you think parents are more comfortable with their daughters living with them as adults or their sons? Which is less attractive to a potential mate? Are the biggest differences between men and women physical, emotional or mental? How would you live if you couldn’t mask your physical imperfections? What if you faced ridicule by society should any attempt to do so be exposed?
Do men get more traffic tickets than women? What if flirting sent you to jail instead of making them go away? Would you trade in all of the free ladies’ nights, meals and drinks you've ever gotten for higher pay? What if chivalry was here to stay, but went the other way? What if paying on the first date was less of a generous act and more of a dealbreaker? What if crying brought on more disgust than pity from onlookers? Would you trade the ability to birth and nurse just for the child to carry your last name? Is that special bond you have with them worth the pain?
In a world of Amazonian princesses, and Wonder Women what is the purpose of men? Easily replaced by vibrating plastic and fresh produce, where does the male species fall in your universe? What is your vision for the world, and what would it be without them? I ask humbly, not in arrogance. How many men are in your way? Would your life be easier if all the men in it just went away? What if men and children went first when the boat was sinking, and it's implied that you go down with the ship? What if you always had to make the first move and say the right things? Whose parents would you impress? How many fake phone numbers have you been given? How many times have you helped a man with a flat tire on the road?
If the Bible said you were the head of the house, how would you protect your family in an emergency? Are you prepared to tell the men and children to flee in safety while you deal with the enemy? Would you prefer not to have a menstrual cycle, or not to have the final say on an abortion? How would you feel if you wanted to keep it but the decision was made without you? I have more questions, but would you be more likely to answer if a woman were asking them?